Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm a Survivor....Matter Fact...We All Are

So yet another day has come and gone. At least we survived, rite? Today I came to realise that College ain't that bad after all, I mean, once u know just what to do to get by.

I heard a rumour today though that some 'strange' people were walking around school today with some 'strange' equipment. It is still quite unclear as to what exactly they were planning to do with these equipment but their plan was foiled when the police intercepted. Rumour has it that they were apprehended on the school premises. But i can't verify if there is any truth to this so...just saying.

There's another thing that does get me vex by d way....and I have to mention it. I know is real old news eh but I can't help but mention it.


For real man. U kno how nauseating (big word,yayyy!) it does be to have to work in that kinda environment. Even those who does use d library 2 lime don't enjoy that kinda environment either. And what makes it worse, d otha day I went up there only to be greeted by a realllllllyyyyyyyy horrible smell. I don't know why that scent was present but upstairs is just simply ridiculous. Indeed what a contrast to downstairs. My question though is since the library is generally closed, how come some of the cold air don't spread to upstairs? I mean I know hot air rises but gosh man. It's unbearable. Something needs to be done, though I'm sure we all fed up of saying that. It's probably like our anthem by now, all we need is a theme song. Lol

Nywhooz, that's enough of me 'talking' for 2day. I probably goin' do some skool work. After all I don't wanna be left behind. If not i prolly might just watch sum MTV lol.

iNFAMOUS CHiK is out!!!!


  1. its good to see something like this (these simple yet entertaining posts), after all mac is lacking posts, but never the lesss, goood one miss infamous, i see u add me on that thing there,wish you were online though but good post still,yea i saw the police scene go down but i aint get the story yet....anyhows hope to talk to you soon

    ..............The Controversial............

  2. man y i does always miss dem tings i seriously like lost wid wat going on out at that hell hole anna completely lost. its so sad :(
